Safety Overhead Support (SOS): No Fear, No Fall!

The SOS consists of high-performance overhead aluminum track and trolley mounted to the celling. Regardless as to how much one weighs, the harness system prevents patients from falling during very complex balance training which instills confidence. One cannot fall and injure him/herself. The system allows patients to elicit and practice protective reactions in the event of a fall and provides support for a patient during all aspects of physical therapy, including sit-to-stand, walking, balance training and climbing stairs. Patients with inner ear problems *Vestibular dysfunction) can train in ways they could not train otherwise. Physical also offers are related balance training devices (Biodex Balance

System SD, Shuttle Sport, other. Balance Center Cape May, NJ Center for Balance, Physical Therapy'; Cape May County, NJ

Balance System™ SD

Multiple Applications and Pathologies with a Single Investment.

The Biodex Balance System SD has been designed to meet the needs of everyone looking to improve balance, increase agility, develop muscle tone and treat a wide variety of pathologies. Extremely versatile, it is the only system that provides a fast, accurate Fall Risk Screening and Conditioning Program for older adults; closed-chain, weight-bearing assessment and training for lower extremity patients, and adds the objective balance assessment component to a concussion management program.

The Balance System SD also serves as a valuable training device to enhance kinesthetic abilities. Using this unique device, clinicians can assess neuromuscular control by quantifying the ability to maintain dynamic bilateral and unilateral postural stability on a static or unstable surface.

Shuttle Balance - Sport 2

is a safe unstable platform used extensively in Vestibular, Balance, Vision, and Proprioceptive training programs. Not just for athletes, it helps provide Seniors the confidence to avoid falls. Patients are challenged across all ability levels by adjusting platform height, stability, and degree of tilt, asking them to push themselves to perform while keeping them feeling safe and secure.

Dynamic Platform
- Develops necessary proprioception in the elderly to the stabilizers in the elite athlete.

Adjustable Suspension Chains
- Adjustable Balance Platform height, degree of stability and tilt sensitivity.

Safely Train Balance
- Convenient bars provide security and increased confidence during all phases of training. Can be used with your favorite balance accessory ie: Foam pad, DynaDisc®, & BOSU® Ball.


Benign Positional Vertigo

Benign positional vertigo, believed to be the most common type of peripheral vertigo, can be seen following head injury, vestibular neuronitis, stapes surgery, Meniere’s disease, or can present alone. The disorder is thought to be related to an abnormality in the association of the otoconia to the cupula within the membranous labyrinth, resulting in abnormal responses to endolymph movement with head motion. Symptoms are typically associated with head movement, such as rolling over or getting in or out of bed. The associated vertigo is brief, lasting only seconds in duration, and can be seen as an acute form only or in an intermittent or chronic form.

Labyrinthine Infarction

Labyrinthine infarction leads to a sudden profound loss in auditory and vestibular function, and typically occurs in older patients. This phenomenon can be seen in younger patients with atherosclerotic vascular disease or hypercoagulation disorders. Episodic vertigo may herald a complete occlusion in the form of a type of transient ischemic attack. After complete occlusion, the acute vertigo that ensues will subside, often leaving the patient with some residual unsteadiness and dysequilibrium over the next several months while vestibular compensation occurs.

Vestibular Neuronitis

Vestibular neuronitis presents as a sudden episode of vertigo without hearing loss in an otherwise healthy person. The disorder can occur as a single attack or can present as multiple attacks. It occurs more often in spring and early summer, and as a result is often associated with an upper respiratory tract infection developing around the same time. The onset of vertigo is sudden and is typically associated with nausea and vomiting, and can last for a period of days with gradual improvement over the following weeks. The disorder is often followed by episodes of benign positional vertigo.


Labyrinthitis is an inflammatory process occurring within the membranous labyrinth that may have a bacterial or viral etiology. Viral infections produce symptoms of dizziness similar to vestibular neuronitis, except that there is cochlear dysfunction as well. Congenital measles, rubella, and cytomegalovirus infections frequently cause no vestibular symptoms. Bacterial labyrinthitis can present in a supportive form with direct involvement of the membranous labyrinth by the pathogen, or in a serous form. The serous form often is seen with acute otitis media when diffusion of bacterial toxins across the round window membrane occurs.

Meniere's Disease

Meniere's disease is an inner ear disorder characterized by episodic vertigo attacks, sensorineural hearing loss, tinnitus, and pressure or fullness in the involved ear. Initially, the hearing loss involves the lower frequencies and fluctuates, usually worsening with repeated attacks. The attacks are characterized by true vertigo, usually with nausea and vomiting lasting hours in duration. Histopathologically, this disorder is believed to be due to dilation of the endolymphatic spaces (hydrops) with ruptures and subsequent healing of the membranous labyrinth. Variants of the disease do occur, including vertigo without associated auditory symptoms.


The vast majority of migraine variants are made up of the first two categories, migraine without aura, and migraine with aura. The term aura can be defined as a focal neurological disorder. Auras generally are considered to be abnormal sensory perceptions. Visual auras are the most frequent type, and may come in a wide variety of phenomena or hallucinations.

Mal de Debarquement

Mal de Debarquement, or disembarkment sickness, is actually a common and normal occurence1. It can best be defined as the continued sensation of motion, rocking, or swaying that persists after return to a stable environment following a prolonged exposure to motion, as one would encounter on a cruise, car, bus or train ride. It can be related to any form of conveyance. Most individuals who have enjoyed even a few hours on a fishing boat may have experienced this sensation of still being on the water, after they have returned to shore. This sensation may only last hours or even for a few days. It seems to be most noticeable when standing in the shower shampooing with eyes closed, lying in bed, or perhaps leaning against a stable fixture, as when one is at the sink washing the dishes. The Mal de Debarquement sensation that commonly occurs is independent of any seasickness or motion sickness that may be experienced during the cruise or travel. The individual may not have any ill feelings at all, and only notices the rocking sensation once on solid ground. A survey by Gordon, Sphitzer, and Donavitch, found that of 116 crew members of the Israeli naval force, 72% reported this common sensation with 67% reporting a very strong sensation following their initial voyage.